Saturday, 4 June 2011

A quote that many people have not concidered, until the time comes when they have to face it. Want it or not the natural fact is we start of full of beans, with supported a child plays and learns all day with.The adult is now full of strenth and knowledge to put in a hard days work, but hey we can manage without support, and stand on our own two feet. Then comes down hill, full of aches and pains the flesh and bones are now worn and torn, and the human is once again in need of support, it's count down time, like a flower in bloom at some time it will wither and die.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Paulette Singh is at her last year of university, studing to become a BA Illustrator. As a summer project she was asked to do an illustration of a recent world media broadcast that she found most upsetting. Being of a native Jamaican she chose to capture the distrurbing image of her country - once known as the land of wood and water, or the land of paradise turned into a war zone. Below dear readers you will find the authors interpretation of what she had in mind while creating the image.

As a child of my Claredonian born mother, and Westmorland born father, every sunday after dinner along with my siblings I was priviledged to be a part of our family time together, accompanied by a good story and followed by a memorable sing along. My parent would use the time to share their life values with us, and one of them being value of togetherness, which I have come to greatly appreciate. I was always told “united we stand and devided we fall.”

I love Jamaica and it’s sence of freedom, something i don’t get in Britain, and would easily trade places to live.Jamaica is a place with all year round cultivation, with a rich varaity of vegatable and fruits to choose from, It is easy to eat health at a low cost. It is a place of constant sunshine, midday breeze of the sea and the relaxing sound of the waves by night....Though on the other side there is war and animosity amongst its countrymen, and if they do not ceases - there will soon be nowhere ion Jamaica for touristto celebrate, and the native Jamaican born abroad may have no other alternative, but to stay abroad and sadly watch their history and “the land of paradise” dissapear. I iwsh the people could see and recognize what they have and what is happening to their beautiful country.

The image sent with artical reprtesents some of the divistions and sad, but real issues Jamaica is faced with at this present time. I want this image to be published to hopefully help some people regain the focus, and realize what has to happen.

Jamaicans are surrounded by chuches, yet the voices of drugs of all kind are embraced by the deserate and naive, many times simply because he or she has got to much time one their hands. It can be argued that the majority of the youth in Jamaica had lost value for living and resigned to violence and materialistic attitudes instead. The image reprtesents a Mothers sorrow, while they lay their kins to rest, the Bible continues to bleed upon certain parts of the Island inspite of the amount of churches standing.

Whose reponsiblity is it to initiate the change?

Is this country strangled because of the two political parties?

What have changed for the better since the hands of leaders of the two opposing parties, Micheal Manley (PNP) and Edward Seaga (JLP) were together by Bob Marley at his One Love concert, which took place in Jamaica in 1978 attracting 32,000 spectators?

The Queen of England has always been in the background, rather than the forefront of the country.

The “Robin Hood” of Jamaica is used more as a diversion, rather than a problem creator in my opinion.

The other known figures appearing in this image I hope will also be recognized without my introduction, and their pupose and input will be judged individually by the reader of this artical.

I hope this image will help to inspire a willingness to help create a positive change, and as I shed my tears for the innocent, I pray for a brigter tommorrw....I hope to see the focus back on the innocent children, being tought to do unto others as they would like to have done unto them. I strongly belive it is time to put down the guns, and time to stop crime. Time to allow our land of paradise to stand up to it’s name and time to our children grow and benifit from peace. It’s time to unite.



Contact number

Mobile: 07947447010


Still trying to decide what image I am going to use for my buisness card.
four more to choose from.

This image was recreated in photoshop, in order to give it a more a textile look.

Images for buisness card

Injoying the elements of photoshop.

Each of these images have been transformed in photoshop to give a totally different look.

creating a buisness card

A selected part of a gramma phone image, which was created using coloured pencil, second image was put though photoshop.

Some new designs for a buisness card.
An Illustrators tool the eye, hands, pallet knife, painting pallet, brush, pen, and pencil. Relaxaion with music.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Heroic women musicians, venue in the sky

Women musicians heroics venue in the sky, All these women illustraed here where not just singers, but they also masterd the piano. Great women, great music unfortunatly they are all deceased.

The grammerphone and the I Pod

One of the first instrument to trasport the sound of music,
with the aid of disc metal plates. Spinning record lables like 'decca record lable' which was established around 1929.This instrument the gramma phone helped to promote and establish musical artist world wide.
Todate the latest gadget that can hold a large amount of music, depending on the size of the sim card memory which stores the music, is the "I Pod "constant music at your finger tips.

Self portrait my heroic musicians poster

This is a self portrait of myself created using pencil and coloured pencils.

Heroic in the sky venue In the sky

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Heroic musicians "venue in the sky"

These two designs of the upright piano has Illustrations of some of the greatest musicians that was.
From left to right top: of the piano is Art Tatum, Oscar Petterson, Joe Turner, Count basie Richard "popcorn"wylie and Scott Joplin, these musician mentioned where kings in Jazz and blues music. Bottom row: is Jess Stacy Bud Powell and Ivory joe Turner where also recognises for there blues and Jazz sytle in music. Ian Stewart was the original keyboardist of the rolling stones. Liberace was clearly known as the most talented piano player of his day when it cto popular music.

The second upright pianio allso consist of more great singers and pianio players that has warmed and embraced me with their passion of music. Thousands of other music lovers will continue to be wind and dined by the beautiful sound of R&B , soul and reggae music.

From left to right : Jakie Mittoo, Sam Cooke and Alton Ellis where the smooth regggae singers, and piano players. Jackie Wilson,and Solomon Burke are the cream of R & B and Soul Music.

Edwdard Pattern below to the left was an R & B and Soul harmoney singer piano player for Glyadis Knight and the pip. Jakie Edwards, Desmond Dekkar, Rudy Thomas and thelonous monk where the stem of reggae music. Satisfation always gareenteed.

These two designs of the upright piano has Illustrations of some of the greatest musicians that was.
From left to right top: of the piano is Art Tatum, Oscar Petterson, Joe Turner, Count basie Richard "popcorn"wylie and Scott Joplin, these musician mentioned where kings in Jazz and blues music. Bottom row: is Jess Stacy Bud Powell and Ivory joe Turner where also recognises for there blues and Jazz sytle in music. Ian Stewart was the original keyboardist of the rolling stones. Liberace was clearly known as the most talented piano player of his day when it cto popular music.

The second upright pianio allso consist of more great singers and pianio players that has warmed and embraced me with their passion of music. Thousands of other music lovers will continue to be wind and dined by the beautiful sound of R&B , soul and reggae music.

From left to right : Jakie Mittoo, Sam Cooke and Alton Ellis where the smooth regggae singers, and piano players. Jackie Wilson,and Solomon Burke are the cream of R & B and Soul Music.

Edwdard Pattern below to the left was an R & B and Soul harmoney singer piano player for Glyadis Knight and the pip. Jakie Edwards, Desmond Dekkar, Rudy Thomas and thelonous monk where the stem of reggae music. Satisfation always gareenteed.
One of the first gadget that could produce the sound of music was the grammer phone. To date the latest gadget is the Ipod that produces the sound of music, and allows you to go back in time and listen to any artist that was heard on the grammer phone.

The Images on this baby grand pianio are of 12 of the most creative and amazing women that had made music their life.
At the top: Queens of reggea music, Phillis dillion and Hortence Ellis.
2nd row: Queens of R&B, and soul music. Forrence Ballard, from the Suprene, Esther Phillips, Tammy Terrel, Gwen Gutherie and Nina Simone. Bottom row: Ma Rainey, Dinah Washington, Billie Holiday and Big Mama Thronton where all jazz and blues singers, great country and western singer Patsy Cline could not be forgotton, surly these womens music will continue to live on.


This poster on the right contains the names of some great musicians whom have passed away within half a century.
An assortment of different styles and rhythm

A self portrait of myself

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Top Eddie James House Jnr; 21, 3, 1902 - 19, 10, 1988
below Les Paul; 9, 6, 1915 -12, 8, 2009
Read Left to Right -
Frank Sinatra; 12, 12, 1915 - 14, 5, 1998
Nat King Cole; 17, 3, 1919 - 15, 2, 1965
Ray Charles; 23, 9, 1930 -10, 6, 2004
Sugar Minott; 25, 5, 1956 - 10, 7, 2010
Cutis Mayfield; 3, 6, 1942 - 26, 12, 1999
Jim Reeves; 20, 8, 1923 - 31, 7, 1964
Wes Mongomery; 6, 3, 1923 - 15, 6, 1968
James Brown; 5, 5, 1933 - 25, 12, 2006
Elvis Presley; 8, 1, 1935 - 16, 8, 1977
Marvin Gaye; 2, 4, 1939 - 1, 4, 1984
Otis Reading; 9, 2, 1941 - 10, 12, 1967
Jimi Hendrex; 27, 11, 1942 - 18, 9, 1970
Eddie Mercury; 5, 9, 1946 - 24, 11, 1991
Buddy Holly; 7, 9, 1939 - 3, 2, 1959
Slim Smith; 1948 - 1973
Joseph Hill; 22, 1, 1949 - 19, 8, 2006
Dennis Brown; 1, 2, 1957 - 1, 7, 1999
Bob Marley; 6, 2, 1945 - 1, 5, 1981
Peter Tosh; 19, 10, 1944 - 11, 9, 1987
Maurice Gibb; 22, 12, 1949 - 12, 6, 2003
Garnet Silk; 2, 4, 1966 - 9 12, 1994
Jacob Miller; 4, 5, 1952 - 23, 3, 1980
Gregory Issac; 15, 7, 1951 - 25, 10, 2010
Micheal Jackson; 29, 8, 1958 - 25, 6, 2009

Musicical Heroics

Since I have been spending the last three year studying and have not been musical active, ie proforming or in the rehearsal studio, it has given me a chance to reflext on some great musicians that has passed away and left their mark as music legens. Each image is the likeness of a musican that has played an instrument including the guitar. I am sure that there music will never die, and were they are there must be music. Can you imagin all these great musicians under one roof ? I can even if it's in the sky.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Project hovis merchandise

A selection of well earned Hovis merchandise that could be in your kitchen . from the top bread basket, bread chopping board, spaggetti holder, bread stick decanter, and tea towel.

Print is dead project

This project is a way of passing on information without the use of pen ,pencil or ink. This book was made out of corn trash, husk and stem. Each image was created by cutting out the image using a knife or scissors. Glue was then required for placing each cut on a sheet of corn trash that had been ironed out to produce a flat surface, and to secure the image in place. Chinese tracing paper was used to bind each of the pages together.